This week we visited California for our 35th high school reunion. We discovered that the people we liked then are the people we like now, and for the same reasons. There have been changes, we're all grayer, some of us (me) are larger in girth, but most of the basic spiritual and personal attributes are still the same.
One lady I chatted with for two hours knew me, but it took me most of the evening to remember who she was/is. Then it was like a light bulb went on in my head. Oh, man! How did I not remember her name and who she is? Well, one more sign of aging, I guess. But then, I have never been very good with people's names.
We tok lots of pictures in the redwoods, and of places where we had lived in the past. Sweet memories of days gone by!
Oh, and thenthere were the giant redwoods, what an awesome experience that was! This tree was not the largest we saw, nor was it the most awe-inspiring.
Truely, God is both great and good. How can people see these magnificient trees and not know that there is a Divine Creator who created things by design and on purpose? I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the nazarine, and wonder ow He could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean! O how marvelous, O how wonderful is my Redeemer's love for me!
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